nbn® Fixed Line

nbn® Fixed Line technologies are used to provide broadband services to Metro Areas and Regional Centres.

nbn® is investing to further enhance its fixed line services with conversions to the highest performing FTTP technology, enabling higher speed broadband services for households, businesses and communities.

Types of Fixed Line

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP)

Full fibre services and able to deliver the highest nbn speed tiers

Fibre to the Curb (FTTC)

Delivers consistent performance using a short copper connection into the premises

Fibre to the Node (FTTN)

Uses existing copper lines to connect to the premises – obtainable speeds can vary
nbn regional upgrade programs are progressing the conversion of FTTC and FTTN services to FTTP ensuring the highest possible performance and future-proofing your connection.

Key Benefits

nbn® Fixed Line connections have the lowest latency and minimal congestion giving you, your family, or business the freedom to enjoy all the benefits of broadband:
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Quality streaming

Fixed Line can support the load of today’s households – fast speeds mean the whole family can stream music, the latest movies and TV shows at the highest quality possible
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Next-level gaming

With high bandwidth, you can give your gameplay the edge with quick response and fast downloads
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Seamless working and learning from home

Make working and learning from home a breeze with clear video calls and fast downloads
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High performance broadband for your business

Newer fixed line services are capable of speeds approaching 1000 Mbps supporting multiple people and devices with ease

Choose Your Plan

Typical evening speeds are based on the download and upload speed test results of existing customers between 7pm and 11pm and are subject to change. Actual download and upload speeds may be lower due to many factors including your network configuration, the location and type of content, the number of users simultaneously accessing the network, and the performance of third-party interconnection infrastructure that MultiWave does not monitor or maintain. Superfast is only available at FTTP and limited HFC technology locations. Wi-Fi connected devices may have slower speeds than Ethernet connected devices.  Speeds available at FTTN/B locations to be confirmed.  Additional charges may apply for a new property development and subsequent installations. All prices subject to change without notice.

Faster and more reliable internet with Fibre

Selected homes and businesses serviced by the nbn network via Fibre to the Node (FTTN) and Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) can now upgrade to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) at no cost with an eligible plan
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Find out if you’re eligible for a $0 upgrade to fibre

Get in touch

4 + 2 =

Call us: 1300 525 800


Suite 702, 70 Pitt St,
Sydney NSW 2000,